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pwk air stryker vs normal carb

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sorry just posted this under product reviews on accident but anyways just bought the chariot setup with the 2 into 1 and the 35 kehin air stryker, craziest carb ive ever seen just wondering if anybody has run those carbs before and what benefits they have or if they are any better than a normal carb thanks

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thats a bummer, the air splitter just look pretty cool as i have only seen flatslide carbs and roundslide but either way hopefully it will have some decent low end and be pretty reliable

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sweet cause that is exactly what i am trying to build a good reliable trail machine, that will walk all over the guys i ride with although none of them have qauds, as they all drive 4x4s but one of them has an sportsman 850 but either way not to worried, thanks for all the advice and knowledge you guys share, and i saw that (let me google that for you) stunt yesterday in a post laughed till i almost pissed myself

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sweet cause that is exactly what i am trying to build a good reliable trail machine, that will walk all over the guys i ride with although none of them have qauds, as they all drive 4x4s but one of them has an sportsman 850 but either way not to worried, thanks for all the advice and knowledge you guys share, and i saw that (let me google that for you) stunt yesterday in a post laughed till i almost pissed myself

You will have no problem beating a 850.

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i have seen some of the bigger cc 4x4 hang or even beat stock/modded shee!! but it not because they are faster..just that they get the jump off the line by a mile due to wheel spin!! its still very embarassing when a big 4x4 is in front of you, even if its only for a little, while all your buddies are there watching!!haha

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