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port magic


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Sup fellas, I found a brand new 2-5 trans cut by port magic, and was wondering if they are better than WCR. Lol not to start crap, I know either are a sponsor but I was wondering if 400.00 was a fair price. Thanks for any replies yall.

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400.00 sounds like a deal, i paid 400.00 new for my tyson :headbang:


This guy is an individual, but if they run about that price through our sponsors then I'd rather buy from them. I'll do some research.

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Seeing as how Rudy Kurtz invented the override trans for a Banshee, I would say without a doubt he cuts the best override and he has also been doing it the longest!



No disrespect to any of the sponsors here but I did some research and have to agree, plus the seller of this trans agreed to knock off 50 bucks. Ima go for it and let er rip. Only thing is its a 2-5, and with m1st. Never heard of that, but I am a bit green to all this.

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Rudy cuts a great transmission. M1st means it still has first gear but only 2-5 are over-ride. You will have to use the clutch to shift from 1st to 2nd. 1st is there just for moving the bike around the pit or to the hill ect. When you race it you'll gear to launch in 2nd though 5th gear

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