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differences between cylinders


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What would cause un-even smoking from the exhuast between cylinders? on idle its very noticeable and even worse on the pipe. plus it has a different ping on the right cylinder than the left. they are jetted the same and the needles are in the same location. the plugs are new and the motor was just rebuilt. Any ideas what needs adjusted or gone through?

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how do you get the carbs to sit at that height when not touching the throttle, mines not like that they are all the way down.



Use a carb sync tool or try those little windows on the side of the carbs. If you got the tors removed use the screws on top of the carb tops to adjust. If tors are on use the idle screws and/or the adjuster either on top of tors or inside tors. i can't remeber as i haven't messed with tors in awhile

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