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tors removal help


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Hey all,


I want to remove the tors on my banshee because I cant have the boost bottle in without taking them off the carbs. I saw the elimator kit on ebay for $40.. But there is also an idle screw kit.. I am wondering if I need the idle kit as well and if its necessary.. Any answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! BTW the carbs are 26mm..

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Call up one of the site sponsors on here and get a complete TORS eliminater kit and also get a stock cross over tube and loose the boost tottle before you a rip a intake and blow your motor up. I have a stock cross over tube or 2 around if you want one shoot me a pm and I will make you a good deal on one.

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complete kit on ebay for $55 shipped, comes with drill bit, taps, idle screws, throttle cable, carb caps


ditch the boost bottle idea





FIRST LINK ON EBAY when searching for "banshee tors"




i got this kit and it is what it says it is

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Hey Bball,


I just bought the Tor's eliminator kit myself and got rid of those funky clunky boxes on top of the carbs. I got everything I needed from Jeff over at fast. He is a site sponsor. The TORS eliminator kit I bought from him came with the idle screws, a drill bit, and a tap. Jeff also sells the crossober tube.


Be very careful and take it very slow when drilling and tapping the carbs. Also when drilling keep the drill bit wet with a light oil like 3 in 1 oil. One of the members on this site had an excellent idea of sticking a broom handle through the carb so that when you are drill you don't hit the other side of the carbs. Also make sure you clean the carbs super good once your done drilling and tapping. You will want to get all of the metal shavings out of the carbs.


Also make sure the chuck on your drill does not wobble with the drill bit in it. This will make the hole bigger than the actual size of the drill bit and some of the members who did the TORS eliminator on there carbs where saying that the idle screws fit kinda loose once they where all done. That is because when they tapped the drilled holes they didn't cut the threads very deep because the hole was already over sized by a xunt hair. So seriously make sure your chuck don't wobble.

Edited by Poolman
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Thanks for the info... It seems like some work.. If the tors work fine is it okay to just leave them on and if I already have a boost bottle that came with the quad should I just keep it on or will it cause something bad to the quad?

If you're going to leave the TORS boxes on, at least unplug the electronic box for it under the left front of the gas tank, to disable the TORS.


As Builder stated above, "get a stock cross over tube and loose the boost bottle before you a rip a intake and blow your motor up." Doesn't get much more "bad" than that.

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I luckily caught bad boots before they actually ripped. I just plugged the holes with some PVC caps sealed with 3 bond and clamp. Doing the idle screws is super simple, should even be a how-to around here somewhere. Worse case take them to a machine shop with the instructions. It makes life far simpler without the bricks on top of carbs. :cheers:

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