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FMF fattys


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Ill give you credit....good try. But they'll work way better if you build them like the stockers are made. Basically take the measurement of how long you need the hanger to be....but instead you need 2the pieces of metal that overlap about 1inch with rubber bolted between them. So if you need 4the inches of hanger (not the real size...just using as example) then cut 2 3" pieces and put the rubber between them. Obviously each piece of metal facing opposite of each other. Also try for about 1/2" of rubber between the two pieces. For safe keeping id put 2the bolts holding the metal together.


thanks i just wanted to get the thing started and broke in plus i need to do jetting so i wanted to get them on tight. In the future i will be just getting new stock mounts for it but in the mean time ill have to deal.

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