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scary accident/great day riding

Banshee Chad

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So, I was upping jets to a 280, and had carbs apart. Well when I went to put brake side carb top on, my needle was bent at tip....


Going riding in morn, so I grabbed some pliers and straightened it. Left some teeth marks on it, but pretty straight. Was nervous I ruined trip, but it worked... Didn't catch.


Went riding.. great sunny 50degree day. Had a little bog as it would come onto mid.. but quickly got over it.


So now I'm done for a couple months. Need to get new needles... But not sure if I get a stocker or diff size?


Bike runs great, 5000 ft elevation, stock except cpi inframes and k&n filter in box with no lid, Tors removed. Running 270 main in summer, 280 in winter. Needle one towards blunt (leaned), and stock pilot, air screws 1.75 out.


Any suggestion on needles?

Edited by Banshee Chad
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They just come in one size

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