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VIto's 421 on ALCOHOL?


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Hey guys, curious to what it takes and if its WORTH putting a banshee on ALcohol? My current Set up is a " Vito's 421 (68mm bore, +4mm stroker crank) with 22 CC domes running 104 octane. 34mm PJ carbs. NOw i only have fmf Fatties on it at the moment, (will be shearers soon) What does it take ? And will my engine hold up? I dont drive the thing hardly so i dont care if its a pig on fuel. I want this thing stupid Fast. But i dont want to have to rebuild it every 10 hours either lol. Give me the details of whats allll needed to switch over?

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IF your in canada and ride in the snow and in the cold I think your wasting your time.


LOL im 1 hour from detroit. IT snows only december- marchish. Other wise we have great warm weather up here. I dont ride my Shee in the snow. Thats why i have a snowmobile lol

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lms is right.....gotta have your carbs set up for alchy....OR you could buy a different set of carbs already for alchy.....then its just a switch to run gas. You'll also need to modify your fuel cap as it will then start to cause fuel flow issues because it will basically pull your tank under a vacuum......not a large enough hole to let in air fast enough to the tank. also you need to look into how available alchy is in your area. And if you want it to last your going to have to purge the bike everytime you ride it.....

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Purging flushes the methanol out of the carbs and engine. If you leave methanol in side the carbs and motor it will corode the aluminum and steel. The aluminum will start to form a white scale. Kind of like aluminum wheels that have a wheel weight. You have to have the carbs setup for methaol. It takes 2x as much methanol than gasoline. So your carbs have to be able to flow double the fuel. This also means your fuel milage is going to be cut in half. More than likely it will end up less than half because your normaly run methanol pretty rich.

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