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110 vs 115 stroke ?


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ok im going 4mm this winter .im wondering if i went 4mm with stock '110' rod would i be loosing alot ''powerwise '' compared to doing the 4mm long '115'?this will be a trail / ice set up . thanks once again

Edited by shakar
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listen to the question... LONG ROD....


do you want to say you have a LONG ROD or tell people your rod is short?


110 has its place in race apps but in dunes, pits and trails, 115 is a touch above with less stress on parts

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Long rod for reliabilty.


My engine has been running since 2006 with no problems at all, granted I only ride a few times out of the year but its for a week or two at a time in the dunes usually. My brother is running the same setup as me and he has not had any problems either.

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My engine has been running since 2006 with no problems at all, granted I only ride a few times out of the year but its for a week or two at a time in the dunes usually. My brother is running the same setup as me and he has not had any problems either.

Lets not dog on them boys... they enjoy playing with their short rods. The rest of us enjoy our long rods. Gives us more leverage in the mud.

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either way will be fine. on 350's iprefer the 110 rod. i dont run my shit in the mud either.


if the piston to wall clearance is to much welp you need a rebuild.. short rods are more prone to breaking? HUH?

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i get both sides to the arguements here.....and honestly i'd probably say that i would probabably run the 115 if i had money to just replace a crank for no reason. However the stock rod length seems to hold up pretty freakin good for being older technology.....and that's 110. BUT....if i had the money and could warrant the need for a 115 then i'd get it.....might hold out til someone wants to donate a 7 or 10mil... :rotflmao:

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.......so if i get the 4mm 110 rod i believe ''correct me if im wrong'' i can run the banshee pistons that i have now with the spacer plate? i know.... i know... i should have them ported for a 4mm but moneys to tight due to x-mas.will i also need new domes cut or ?? thanks again

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