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banshee starts easy idles great but running slugish

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i traded for this banshee a few weeks ago

its a 2001 model

looks to be stock

it has the stock pipes on it i do know that

the guy said it run great and that it had sit for a while and atmost needed the carbs cleaned

when i got it home i checked the fire and it wasnt firing and i just quit fooling with it

and sold it to a guy cheap

he got it firing by cutting the wires to some kinda fuel emergency cut off switch or something like that was what he called it

it was two wires that went in to the thumb throttle on the right side handle bars

so when he got it firing he cleaned the carbs and said it would run but it was rough

he said he took the mag cover off and said there was water in it

he sanded the mag just to clean it up and it helped the way it ran


now to where im at on it....

the guy ended up not being able to pay for it and brung it back to me

it starts extreamly easy and idles just great

as far as its peformance its really lacking power

its weird though because it is real sluggish when it takes off , ya kinda have to feather the clutch and throttle to get it going

then when your rolling you can bring it to the power band in 1st gear and just braaap it and the front wheels will leave the ground but it dont act like it has enough power to keep the wheels off the ground just like it has full power right it the braap but thats it

it sounds like its making all kinds of power but it just aint at all

it just hasnt got that drag you off the seat power that banshees have

it sounds good allthough the left side exhaust has a lil stronger sound than the right side exhaust

and actually it has about as much power as just one side of the engine would probally make

hope this isnt to confusing

i guess what im saying if somebody had never rode a banshee they would probally think theres nothing wrong with the bike

but i have rode banshees and this one is weak it runs about half as good as it should

anybody know where i should start at

thank you so much for your help

oh yeah and one more thing when in neutral and when you rev it up it aint got that fast braaaping throttle responce it kinda starts a lil sluggish when you first rev it but once its in the band range it revs right

i know it has problems just dont know where to start

Edited by wildcatfa0309
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