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Riding area.....

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Hi guys just trying to get some input. I may be coming into a large amount of money soon and would like to open a riding area. It would consist of a fairly large mx track and a 300ft drag strip. I live in Roseville MI and not really sure what would be a good area to do this in. I know I would probably have to look into zoning but I don't want to go to far north. Do you guys think this is something I could make some money off and something that people would use? I just know for me to go riding anywhere I have to drive like 3hrs north to go anywhere. Also what do you guys think would be a fair asking price at the gate. All input would be great especially from fellow Michigan guys.



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your best bet is going to probably be to head more towards new baltimore area.....somewhere around 23 n gratiot or north.......people down here whine, complain and flat out bitch too much about sounds smells, and parking. However those guys up there still live a little old school......alot of them still have their own things and they are more likely going to be more supportive. If you do get some land and mananage to get the approval.....let me know....ill get my hands down in the shit to help get this place going....

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Yeah Im definitely not going to try and get any land down here. New Baltimore wouldn't be to bad but I don't know if I could get it approved there or if I could find any land big enough. I would like to keep it within about an hour north of here but I'm thinking I would have better luck going over by I-75. Plus it's a more traveled express way. How big of a piece of land do you guys think I would need to do this. Obviously this depends on the size of the mx track but something a decent size. Atleast something that people would want to drive to and pay to ride.

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