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A Tough One


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bought a banshee that was in complete pieces. gt her all put together and it wnt start. i have spark and pretty sure i have fuel. every now and then it will act like it wants to start. when it starts gettin closer to starting it feels like i loose compression? i can then turn it over by hand. could a bad set of reeds cause this. please need some help. its finally complete and I WANNA RIDE!

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bought a banshee that was in complete pieces. gt her all put together and it wnt start. i have spark and pretty sure i have fuel. every now and then it will act like it wants to start. when it starts gettin closer to starting it feels like i loose compression? i can then turn it over by hand. could a bad set of reeds cause this. please need some help. its finally complete and I WANNA RIDE!

a bad set of reeds will make it not want to start. i can turn mine over by hand and it has 185psi compression so you have to be more specific.

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is all of your wiring right? have you cleaned up your harness to remove un-needed wires? i kicked my bike for 2 days last year at the hq ride before someone came along and said "is the red wire grounded" and fuck me if i was missing that wire. i added it back and grounded it, started right up.

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i have spark. so shouldnt all the wiring be good if i have spark at the plug? and by choke tube did u mean aka boost bottle? so when i first tried starting it it was kicking fine. felt like i had good compression and it was wanting to start. but since it was completely put back together it took time to get fuel there. after maybe 10 to 15 kicks it felt like i lost compression. seeming alot easier to kick now.

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no....i am not talking the boost bottle. on the mikuni stock carbs there is a CROSS-OVER tube that goes in between them. it is a tube roughly 1/4 in diameter...maybe 3/8. its job is to activate the second carbs choke circuit.... so without it, they can either run REALLY bad or not want to start at all.


the tube goes directly between the two carbs.....just about in the middle of the carb....it looks like one of the boss' on the side of the carb but if i remember its slightly larger than the bosses......look and you'll seee

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