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Trinity Racing Thank u

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So I Stop at Trinity On tuesday, I was having a problem with my Cheetah Head on my 535, it was leaking out the bolt holes and around the dome. I was inside talking to Joe he said he would talk to Harry about fixing it. So we went out side to pull my bike off the truck and I had a flat tire. Joe want out of his way to help me fix my flat. Thanks Joe, so I was waiting for Joe to call me about my bike. He called me back And Harry is going to fix my bike free of cost. See they do take care of there customers. All I can say is Thank you, I have been dealing with Trinity for awhile now, and this is the kind of stuff that makes me go back. Thanks again Harry and Joe.. Trinity u guys rock, see u guys at the sand show in Sep.

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So I Stop at Trinity On tuesday, I was having a problem with my Cheetah Head on my 535, it was leaking out the bolt holes and around the dome. I was inside talking to Joe he said he would talk to Harry about fixing it. So we went out side to pull my bike off the truck and I had a flat tire. Joe want out of his way to help me fix my flat. Thanks Joe, so I was waiting for Joe to call me about my bike. He called me back And Harry is going to fix my bike free of cost. See they do take care of there customers. All I can say is Thank you, I have been dealing with Trinity for awhile now, and this is the kind of stuff that makes me go back. Thanks again Harry and Joe.. Trinity u guys rock, see u guys at the sand show in Sep.


Taking care of a customer is a little easier when the customer comes to the place of business. The hard part is keeping customers happy across the country. Shipping stuff on time when promised, completing work when promised, being there for troubleshooting and with tuning issues, etc. This is what separates the men from the boys. I dealt with Trinity years ago and that is where they fell short with me. It is nice to hear good things once in awhile amongst all the negagtive.



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Taking care of a customer is a little easier when the customer comes to the place of business. The hard part is keeping customers happy across the country. Shipping stuff on time when promised, completing work when promised, being there for troubleshooting and with tuning issues, etc. This is what separates the men from the boys. I dealt with Trinity years ago and that is where they fell short with me. It is nice to hear good things once in awhile amongst all the negagtive.



Well I never had a problem with them like that. They went out of there way for me. To Fix my head, They could have charged me but they are making it Right, I am very happy with them, and helping with my falt tire, they could have told me to call a tow truck, but they gave me a jack and a air gun and a 3/4 socket to change my flat. To me that is showing they care about there customers. So Thanks again Trinity.

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Glad to hear good things about trinity.

They have always been nice to me when I call I ordered a carb setup from them long time ago and they were helpful.


Maybe they are regrouping to make a better Buisness

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