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I recently had the head shaved on my shee and i thought i had all th coolant out of my head and when i took it off some whendown on top of piston and i scrambled for a towel but by time i got too it some of it must have seeped down past the rings? what should i do? i dont want to hurt the motor but i really dont wann disassemble it....what should or can i do?


what about dumping like a tsp or premiz in there???



any help would bne greatly appreciated thankyou

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it's not that big of a deal. just drain and replace your oil and run with it. if you're real worried about it change your oil run it a bit, change it again then it'll be good for sure.


its not the oil i worried about, there isnt any amount of oil inder the piston i worried about the coolant eating away at the crank bearings but i not sure if it will or not...or hurt the cylinder wall under the piston

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Easy fix. Take your carbs and reeds off so you can see your piston. Flip the quad over on its back and move the kicker. After it all comes out put some gas in there and repeat till you feel its all out.

there was prob only a teaspoon that got in there and half of it went down is that even aenought to worry about??

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it's not that big of a deal. just drain and replace your oil and run with it. if you're real worried about it change your oil run it a bit, change it again then it'll be good for sure.


its a 2-stroke not 4, there is no oil under the piston just pre-mix which has oil in it. so draining the oil will do nothing at all for him.

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It's not going to hurt anything. Wipe a little oil on the cylinder walls just for cheap insurance, put it back together and fire it up. I personally would do it right away so there's no chance of it rusting the cylinders or bearings.



thanx thats wat i did i put about a teaspoon or so of premix there

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it's not that big of a deal. just drain and replace your oil and run with it. if you're real worried about it change your oil run it a bit, change it again then it'll be good for sure.



didnt you know everythign you read on the net is absolute truth?

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