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where is my motor?

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I figgered it was time to me to start bitching. I'm mad.


I've sent my motor to fast racing in may for them to doctor my 485, when the "trinity blows" topic came to a end. I had jeff send exact mesurements at trinitys request with pictures and they wernt satisfied. So the cylinders were shipped, and come to find out the head wasn't in the box prolonging this annoying situation of being a messanger boy between trinity and fast. I've been personaly speeking with james, and have created a new name for myself "nick with the cheetah motor". I talked to him Monday and told me harry has been gone and will be personal be doing it tommaro and will cal me asap. Mind you, were at the end of july, Tuesday came and gone with no phonecall. I called today, spoke to james and he said something of the sort as harry didn't do it yet. So after he herd the lack of exicitment he assure me ill be alright. Idk wat alright is. Alright for me is me with a motor here now. I live in a seasonal region, I don't have the luxury of having sand dunes and 80 degree weather year round.


Now I feel better

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why would another builder need "specs" from trinity??


if the head is jacked up have jeff fix it i know what a 73mm bore cylinder likes its basic 2 stroke knowledge. the current head shape is for a motor that might rev to about 7500rpm's it needs set up for a higher rev engine in the 11,500 rpm range and that takes a completely differnt head shape.


i mean really am in the ONLY one that has figued this out?? a SUPER CUB has a completely differnt shape dome in it to work without blowing the head off than a trinity cheeta domes shape. yet the 2 motors use the same piston stroke and basic port layout. one is a 72mm and the other is a 73mm bore..


expand the bore out to 73.5 on the dome, keep the squish width the same and cc acordingly. run about a .50-.55 squish clearance , like a 250r. squish width should be no more than about 9mm. much more than that and you have a detoing, head o-ring blowing piss-u-off motor. depending on bowl shape, and fuel used you can run between 4 and 12 degree's of timing gas will probably be 0-7* alky can be more than that.

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Motor went to fast before trinity became a site sponsor and agreed to "make things right". Its kinda like that pawn stars show quote " its not that I don't trust you, its just that I don't trust anyone. So I made jeff do my handy work and took mesaurements for trinity and then they asked for the cylinders.

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guess i'm just lost..


guess i just cannot seem to understand how this particular motor has been such a problem. ( 485 cheeta)


so you sent it to jeff to do the labor, as per your request after trinity said they would fix it and cover the costs, then trinity says naw we want to see the cyl and you send it to them. what did jeff say was wrong with it? kinda like a second opinion.

Edited by camatv
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For the glamis comment. I live in buffalo ny, closest sand dunes is silver lake, a 8 hour drive with a time change. The motor was never touched by jeff, only inspected and measured. Jeff was my quality control so to say so trinity couldn't pull any fast ones. I would of love for jeff to just fix it, but I'm following harrys and tylers advice and giving them a chance to redeem themselves. So far I have a windycityjohn story, except my rants are much shorter. So there's a possablity of a discount of parts, but as it stands I have nothing. No parts, no motor no nothing. Sigh

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its an easy fix. if done right. i dont know why but it seems they are just lost as to how to set this motor up its basically a high rev 250 twin and if you look at it like that things go much smoother


keep pestering them!! hell call them every day! tell them to recut the domes with super cub specs ( for starters) and get their heads out of their butts on the dome design!

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Trinity is taking no part in repairing my engine. I already paid jeff, and I'm not even taking a chance at having them do it for me. Quite simply, they are inspecting my cylinders to locate a already obvious problem and hopefully discount or gift me parts. Jaymes asked me what it take to make things right, I made no demands, or even ask for anything. Id like free pistons and nikisil job, will I get either? Mostlikely not. At this point id be happy with a stock 350 motor.

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