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port or 4 mill?

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I would send it off to Kevin at Herr Jugs Racing and have him do your porting. I have a couple engines that he did the port work on and all of them are amazing. If your crank you have now is in good shape I would get a stock-stroke port job. If your crank is due to be replaced you might as well get one of kevin's 4mil cranks and have him do a 4mil port job for you. He has some of the fastest turnaround time and does very high quality work. Go to Kevin and you won't have to worry about anyone else having to "fix" your cylinders.

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Depends on who did the porting. We have been able to pick up a ton more HP on "others" porting. Sometimes we can turn stock stroke porting into 4mm , sometimes we cant. Depends on durations.

I did the porting, but like i said im no pro.

I got these specs from a buddy on this site

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I had my stock stroke ported, loved it. After a few rides it wasnt enough. Got the 4mil and I wish I had just done it first. I love the added low end that came with the 4 mil.

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I had my stock stroke ported, loved it. After a few rides it wasnt enough. Got the 4mil and I wish I had just done it first. I love the added low end that came with the 4 mil.


I did the same thing. had Kevin (herr) port my cylinders for stock stroke. Ran those cylinders one season and decided it was time for more power. Baught a new set of cylinders and sent them to kevin again. Wish I would have gone 4 mill to begin with. Would have saved me a few duckets....

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