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Dune ported 421 Cub vs. 421 Serval Cub

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Just depends on where and how you want your power to come on. The cub will be faster when you drag race it. The serval will be more rider friendly out on the dunes. My personal opinion is that the serval is a better all around setup if you are looking for the best of both.

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cubs are cast with differnt and more aggressive port timings..


servals i would say are a replacement stock cylinder option with the POTENTIAL to be faster. BUT they are dependent on proper combination to see any real high HP gains..


the cubs ( escpecially the 421 68/58) is more of a bolt on drag motor. dosent take much to make one run very well.


the serval to run proper might take some actual work, effort, and know how to run well. but the casting is there for a "builder" to play with port timings much like a stocker cyl would be.

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I know the Serval is a Cub with lower port timings and can be ported to be a cub but a very, very popular builder and site sponsor on here told me that a Cub would be the better setup for a Glamis duner with a dune port. I am really leaning towards a Cub now especially with the ease that they make power and the type of riding I do. Glamis is a very wide open big dune type riding and although I have read everything on here about the Servals and understand there rider friendly this builder has me thinking the Cub is the better route. Thanks guys for all your input its much appreciated and any more opinions would be nice to read.

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Like I said I think you would be happier with the cub for Glamis. It’s what I ride and most aggressive type dune riders want in Glamis. Glamis is fast riding and I personally don’t do it on anything less than a drag ported 421 cub but do prefer the ported 10 mil cub for dune rides.

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Thanks for the input Kevin your experience and reputation is the reason why I am wanting a Cub now instead of the Serval I have heard great things about the Servals but when a guy who does this for a living says hey this is better I listen. I will be calling you soon and we can put together a beast i'm sure.

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