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tusk clutches

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I notcied that when I have my clutch pulled in and I rev it real high it moves a little and seen this clutch kit made by tusk and was wondering if anyone had heard of it because I can't find any reviews on it and don't want to waste the money if it is a shitty clutch that's only gonna last a ride or 2

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I notcied that when I have my clutch pulled in and I rev it real high it moves a little and seen this clutch kit made by tusk and was wondering if anyone had heard of it because I can't find any reviews on it and don't want to waste the money if it is a shitty clutch that's only gonna last a ride or 2



Tusk is a good kit for the price . Jeff @ fast also sells a nice kit that is tried and true,.

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I didn't know that they moved when revving them high with the clutch in but another thing that made me think the clutch is going bad is its really hard to kick start when its in gear with the clutch pulled in but in nuetral it starts first kick or 2



Ive recently posted on here asking the EXACT same question about buying the Tusk clutch. Ive heard nothing but good things about it. The reviews on rockymountainatvmc.com were nothing but good also. I'm ordering me one

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