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stall out when putting it in gear

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So I just got my 4mil together today and everything running. I went to take it out for its maiden spin in my yard but when I went to put in in gear to take off it just lunged and stalled. It even lunges when I try to start it in gear. I just installed a new OEM clutch cable, HJR pancake bearing, Tusk clutch with 3 HD springs and 3 new OEM springs. I thought I had it all adjusted right but apparently not. It looked as if the clutch was working right before I put the cover on....the plates separated about half way down or a little better in the clutch pack. I wouldn't think it's from grooving? The clutch arm is just a little past the case arrow to the stator side...could this be the problem or did I mess something up on the pancake bearing install. By the way the clutch is a little stiff feeling compared to stock but I just figured it's a fresh clutch with HD springs and this is the nature of the beast. Please help me out.....I'd realy love to get this thing dialed it. If I do ride it...it isn't disengaged the clutch because I can't slip the clutch or anything.

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The only thing I can guess would be the clutch isn't adjusted right. Try spinning the adjuster off at the handle bars and see if it helps. Also make sure your arrows are lined up on the cases.

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It's been a while sense I've done a clutch but I want to say that if tge arrows aren't lining up or if the arrow on the ran is closer to the stator side then when your pulling the clutch it isn't engaging all the way and if it's to far the other way or towards the clutch side then it's always dragging.

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yes I did soak the fibers for a good 24 hours in fluid ( ATF type F) before installing them. Also the clutch arm is just a little past the arrow on the case, to the stator side. Maybe I just need adust it to where it's perfectly straight. It's like the clutch will not disengage............I can't slip the clutch or stop with out it stalling out. This sucks but I'm sure it will be worth it when I get it all worked out.

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i just had the same issue but mine was water in the oil water pump gasket or seal went out i replaced all and now dont have that issue my arrow is more on the stator side and it still works fine dran some fluid and see might just be it

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I will have to drain it out anyways to service it anyways so I will check. I wouldn't think that would be it since I just put it together with all new seals and gaskets. But I will check. Is filing the clutch basket fingers a bad thing? I wouldn't think it would hurt anything really, would it?

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Clutchs can be a little touchy.

If you still have issues after you file the basket & line up the arrows you may want to consider a rolling start. This will get the new trans fluid warmed up & flowing with the new plates. This method has proven successful for me in the past. After I got the fluids up the operating temp I was able to fine tune it at the clutch lever.


Good luck,


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