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Banshee stock swingarm


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Dude, its gotta be more than 12.5 pounds. lol. I've got a stock swingarm I'll weigh tomorrow if no one else posts up. I know its about twice as heavy as my ACE fabrication swinger.


Thanks, That's the first thing I'm going to get rid of because it's heavy as hell. I want a stock length round carrier thats alot lighter.

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I went with stock length also for my 421 serval. I'm hoping to get away with it because I do not want to negatively effect my "air time" with a longer swing arm. Plus, the round house style carrier makes life easy. You won't be dissapointed. The bike looks cleaner from the back, too.


That's the reason I really want to change to the round house cause it makes life easier & it's lighter.

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Dude, its gotta be more than 12.5 pounds. lol. I've got a stock swingarm I'll weigh tomorrow if no one else posts up. I know its about twice as heavy as my ACE fabrication swinger.


well mr.genius i guess ur ACE swninger is 6lbs then (highly unlikely) becuase i just weighed a spare stock swing arm and guess what, it weighed in at roughly 12 1/2 lbs give or take a 1/2 lb. in any case an aftermarket round carrier swing arm is definitely the way to go.

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