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hey guys i have a qustion around here it is winter and its pretty cold most days are 0 to 15 degrees .....my shee is jetted good for this cold but my dad wont let me park my banshee in the warm garage so its out in the cold machine shed with a cover now its most likley a few degrees warmer then it sitting out side.....


now i dont get much time to ride it during the week days dew to school...but i do ride it on the weekends so it sits all week....when i go to start it it take quite a few kicks.....


compression is good around 125 -130 stock head stock bore....im just thinking that its cause its fricken cold out cause if its in the warm garage starts right up with in one or two kicks was jw what u guys thought



and another thing once it starts sometimes it does right away starts right back up....just thinking casue its cold....once it is warmed up it idles good and runs strong?

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