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Tapatalk for BansheeHQ

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Tapatalk is a mobile forum app for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and

Nokia. Tapatalk supports vBulletin, phpBB, IPB and SMF forums and

forum owner can activate this service for free. Tapatalk supports all

the usual forum functions plus full screen image viewing, image

upload, caching (less reload), private messaging, all these features

are accessible in just a few simple taps.


Showing New and Unread Thread with Avatar and Number of reply:



Images are thread are converted to thumbnail and allow full-screen




Ability to see Who's Online and what they are doing:



Ability to search by topics and posts:



Ability to upload images directly from Android and iPhone!:




Check out http://www.tapatalk.com for more information!

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just downloaded it on my android. awesome! works really well and really easy to use.


Awesome man. I'm glad it works well. It works well on my iPhone and makes browsing 100x easier than the regular browser.


I'm always trying to get BansheeHQ that much further ahead in technology!

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My iPhone has a simplified browser for faster use, but it's not nearly as quick and efficient as the Tapatalk. The Tapatalk has all the right buttons right where you need them. I am not familiar with the Blackberry and Android setups, so I can't speak for them. Tapatalk may not be for everyone but I am positive it will be better for iPhone users. Tapatalk on iPhone costs $3 so it's not like anyone is out much if they hate it. I am not sure what it costs for any of the other phones out there but it may be worth at least trying it out.

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I can't find the app on my Blackberry. I don't really have prob with using my phone now but I'd like to see if the app is better. Anybody with a Blackberry find it?


Mine is in the Applications folder.


I like it so far. IMO, BB sucks for browsing.

This little app makes it convenient to check out a post.

It was free (beta) for the BB as well!

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It very nice if you have multiple InvisionBoard Powered sites you go to. Because on android there is a widget you can put on your screen and the tapatalk enabled sites you go to are only one click away.. no login, no re-sizing the screen.. just posts, with all the content of a browser without the crap you dont want.. Oh, and on Android it actually notifies you when you have a PM not unlike the texts notifications.

try it at least, I think you will like it.

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