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Gears stuck


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Hi first time on here so any help would be great - Long story short my son was racing up Thunder in St Anthony's Idaho and his bike stuck in like 4th gear (not sure3rd or 4th) and we push the shift lever up and down it clicks like it's shifting but it's not just kinda pops in and out. Any ideas what this could be just wondering before I tear it down - Thanks.

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Take the clutch cover off and see if anything is up in there. Is it making the clicking noise like it sounds like it's shifting through gears?

It's clicking but only down one time and back up one time won't go anymore after that and it dose not change the gear it's in kinda looks like the shift lever is pushing out a little?

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Welcome to BHQ !! It's possible the shift mechinism may have jumped the shift star. This may be due to misadjustment, loose adjustment screw , or worn parts. Worst case might be bent shift fork. Best tool you can get for your 'Shee is a Clymers manual.

Got to get the clutch basket off I got it shifting again but if I push on the shift lever I push the shift fork off the shift star... what holds that from pushing in too far and doing this?



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