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Banshee Running 50% left side not running


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Hey Guy's I need some help. I have a 2001 Banshee, with FMF pipes, Boost Bottle, K&N pro flow kit, Twist Throlltle, Jetted to 260 main and 30 Pilot. I just had the complete engine rebult crank too. Removed T.O.R.S., completely(left &right unit, throttle switch, unit), completely rebuild the carb. My problem is that it starts good but the right side gets hot really fast but the left side seems to run at 50%. I get some white smoke on the left when I throttle up. I did noticed that the left carb started to leak fuel from the over flow. I already sinq the carb. I ordered a replacement fuel valve for the leak. When I put my hand on the silencer I get little pressure coming out of the left pipe. HELP ASAP.

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