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carb choke tube

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Hey, after rejeting my carbs i noticed that first off my carbs have almost no vent hoses where there should be, but also im pretty sure theyre's supposed to be a tube running between the carbs for the choke, first off what would happen if it wasnt there peformance wise, cause that might be my problem, but also could someone post a pic of what its supposed to look like?

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Hey, after rejeting my carbs i noticed that first off my carbs have almost no vent hoses where there should be, but also im pretty sure theyre's supposed to be a tube running between the carbs for the choke, first off what would happen if it wasnt there peformance wise, cause that might be my problem, but also could someone post a pic of what its supposed to look like?


It's a must to have on your carbs....my bike won't even run with it on. It is a black tube about 2 1/2 inches long going in between both carbs.


I'm sure someone will chime in with a picture for you :headbang:

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It's a must to have on your carbs....my bike won't even run with it on. It is a black tube about 2 1/2 inches long going in between both carbs.


I'm sure someone will chime in with a picture for you :headbang:


awesome, i just cut a tube out of brand new fuel line for it and hooked it up, too bad im out of gas and my shees apart :( but this might be why my bike doesnt want to start cold, plus it has a slight bog and doesnt have a good powerband.

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your bike will run without it on, just wont run good. low end will not be there, be hard to start, not want to idle. trust me, i rode a whole day without it on.

and like the guy said, it is just a tube that connects the carbs, it is on the bottom between them. and you really dont need vent tubes.


um, i put a tube on but now im not sure if i put it on the right place, crap. if you look at the right carb, the one with the choke, and follow the choke to the other side of the right carb, theres a hose mount slightly below it, is that it, or is it farther down, cause i didnt see anything lower to mount on.

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um, i put a tube on but now im not sure if i put it on the right place, crap. if you look at the right carb, the one with the choke, and follow the choke to the other side of the right carb, theres a hose mount slightly below it, is that it, or is it farther down, cause i didnt see anything lower to mount on.

Yes that's where it goes.

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