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the guy i was "fighting with" is my buddy. and we were flickin each other chit. ask him. so when can i send the tire in and have it repaired ? and u can pay for it ?

so i guess giving him a chance to make right b4 i posted doesnt mean anything ? .....hey man, got the tires today. i specificaly asked you if the paddles had any "cracks on the bottom of paddle" and u said "no" .....3 of the paddles have cracks...and 1 of em looks like its about to come off. u can push it almost flat. im definately not happy about the deal...not trying to sound like a dick. but i want my $$ back. these are not what i was told they were. if u dont want to refund my $ and pay for atleast half the shipping for the way back to you . then ill just put it in the resoultion center on planetsand...and here. but im willing to solve this without doing that. cause i dont want to. please make this right. so i dont have to go thru the hassle. thx,nick

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O now you want to act lk a fucking grown up, AFTER making post and stalking my classifieds. Did they give you a ballpark price on fixing it

i gave u a chance to MAKE IT RIGHT BEFORE POSTING ANYTHING. U TOLD ME TO GO AHEAD AND NOTHING WAS GONNA HAPPEN. guy on planetsand said he just sent them a tire to put a new paddle on it. and cost 60 bucks with shipping

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Damn dude I wish you would stop puttn words in my mouth, lk u did on ps where you finished off the "quoted" statement of "thanks for the great deal." You know damn well I didn't say that. Stop playing games. And I never once said nothing will happen, I did say that my bud refuses to give back the full amount cause he said the paddles were good, and of course I looked at them before listing on my name, but hey I put myself in the middle and now I gotta fix it. Money sent.

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Damn dude I wish you would stop puttn words in my mouth, lk u did on ps where you finished off the "quoted" statement of "thanks for the great deal." You know damn well I didn't say that. Stop playing games. And I never once said nothing will happen, I did say that my bud refuses to give back the full amount cause he said the paddles were good, and of course I looked at them before listing on my name, but hey I put myself in the middle and now I gotta fix it. Money sent.

issue has been resolved. thank you

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