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Little Sahara OK


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I am not a drag racer so I thought you guys could explain some thing to me. At LS Oklahoma all the drag bikes line up 10 across and race over and over when all you can see is sand and smoke. It's not possible to tell who won unless one bike pulls away. Back in the day they used to have organized events with different classes so at the end of the day you knew who was the fastest. Now they have a 300 ft groomed track in the new portion of the park and no one uses it. Last sand fest I went to watch some races at the track and only saw a half dozen bikes racing. I Left because it was boring and went out to the dunes to find dozens of dragers all racing not knowing who wins. What is the point? Why don't they use the track?

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because bike were built to have fun on and not everyone cares who is the fastest of the fast........ some ppl have ego's and others just enjoy lining up and blasting down the sand. hope that helps.


a better question is why do "rednecks" do donuts in the middle of drag strips? like a donut is totally awesome when your 5!

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I think racing out at LS is more recreational. You may have 10 bikes lined up, but I am willing to bet at least 2 people in that line up are racing each other, and not everyone else. Just for braggin rights. Just happens to be others along for the race as well.


I know when I watch people race, I am normally watching 2 or more of my friends race each other. If we cannot tell who won, they go again. I normally won’t watch unless I know someone racing, or I am taking a break.

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I guarantee you the racers know who wins. We aren't out there to amuse others or show off. We mostly know each other and race and BS,go back to camp at the end of the day and fix crap we broke, eat, drink and enjoy our day. Those are often times some of the mature veterans of the dunes.

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because bike were built to have fun on and not everyone cares who is the fastest of the fast........ some ppl have ego's and others just enjoy lining up and blasting down the sand. hope that helps.


a better question is why do "rednecks" do donuts in the middle of drag strips? like a donut is totally awesome when your 5!


AMEN! Or the people that come hauling ass out of the trails across the end of the strip! I just about plowed a little blasty over last weekend. I think we both shit ourselves.


Oh, and the one that is out it front knows he won and that's all that matters!



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All the replies are right on the money. I may line up against a 10 mill...7 mill....etc, but Im not racing them. Im racing my buddy whos lined up next to me. Ive raced at the dragstrip with the christmas tree and everything, it was fun yes, but the turnout wasnt very good. I got tired of racing the same 450's and winning every damn time. Out on the dunes, guys will come up to ya and ask ya if ya wanna race and hell yes I race em. I dont care if I get beat, Im doing it for fun. And yeah at the end of the day we all go back to camp and fix shit, eat, and talk about what we're gonna do to our bikes when we get home to make em faster to compete with our buddies who have deeper pockets lol!!

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All the replies are right on the money. I may line up against a 10 mill...7 mill....etc, but Im not racing them. Im racing my buddy whos lined up next to me. Ive raced at the dragstrip with the christmas tree and everything, it was fun yes, but the turnout wasnt very good. I got tired of racing the same 450's and winning every damn time. Out on the dunes, guys will come up to ya and ask ya if ya wanna race and hell yes I race em. I dont care if I get beat, Im doing it for fun. And yeah at the end of the day we all go back to camp and fix shit, eat, and talk about what we're gonna do to our bikes when we get home to make em faster to compete with our buddies who have deeper pockets lol!!

This sums it up. Riding is only half the fun. /thread lol....

Edited by DallasGDub
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i'm just gonna beat spurdy!!!


i like to line up just to yell at the guy next to me...


the people that dont like to drag race have slow bikes..


i'm not to sure about the mature veteran thing tho...


i do the wheelies down the strip for the girls!!

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Why would you wanna dragrace, and potentially break your quads, crash, smell like smoke, eat deepfried chicken wings, or smoked ribs eat corn on the cob, drink wayy too much beer, get sunburned, watch guys get arrested for doin stupid drunken crap in camp , and tell lies all night around a campfire?

You could just rent a good chick flick and stay home all weekend with your wife? Besides sand gets in yer VAG if you go too fast.



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