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reinstalling prodesign coolhead

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Use Vasoline or Petrolium Jelly, not grease. Grease will stay chuncky and if some gets in to your radiator it could start to plug it up. It obvesly isnt going to happen the first time you do it but it can cause a build up. Vasoline will melt and disperse.

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Use Vasoline or Petrolium Jelly, not grease. Grease will stay chuncky and if some gets in to your radiator it could start to plug it up. It obvesly isnt going to happen the first time you do it but it can cause a build up. Vasoline will melt and disperse.


I know you have some KY Jelly laying around, use some of that its water soluble!!!!!!!!.............No buildup

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i just put my coolhead back on and i noticed the o rings woulds sit right and i didnt want to use any of that bull in the motor. so i worked bottom up i took the cylinders off (i was rebuilding my top end) hooked everything up to the cylinders then attached the cylinders to the bottom end. kind of a pain in the ass but it worked seals good

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