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heavy duty clutch


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http://www.farmandsandtoys.com/partdetail.asp?partid=34 Last one you will need for a long ass time. (FZR1000 fibers) I love mine, put it threw some nasty abuse daily.


I run it with a magnum billet basket and a slingshot! :cheers:

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even with a lockup you still have to have clutch cable freeplay!!! about an 1/8th -1/4 inch at teh handle AND you should be able to push the lever back a lil you need to make sure the clutch arm is in alignment, the boss and pressure plate surface is flat the springs are correct for the bike AND your using motorcycle specific transmission oil...


the street bike clutch will STILL burn up if all that is out of wack.

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FYI, OUR clutches are NOT driveline clutches. They are kits that we put together with components we hand pick. We have tried lots of other kits and we always come back to ours.

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I can tell you this...

Jeff's clutch is great.

But I can also tell you from switching to a slingshot lockup vs. my old dd style, I burn out a clutch a year, even Jeff's.

Dave, are you saying the slingshot doesn't hold power as well as the DD style?


you need to make sure the clutch arm is in alignment

This is misinformation. Not all set ups are the same and the clutch arm will not always line up. My bike currently as it sits does not have the arm lining up with the arrow. I have put tons of motors together and got them in the bike and about half of them line up and half of them don't.

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Nope...holds just as well if not better than the DD style.

It's heavier, however!


Just wondering if you have ever weighed them. I never did weigh my slingshot, and have never had a DD style in my hands.


Just curious if its alot or just a few oz's or something like that.



Or has anyone in this thread weighed both by chance, just curious is all. :cheers:

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