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2010 BansheeHQ Ride Little Sahara, OK in October

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After driving to and from Florida the last two winters with the average trip time being 21 hours each way, I can definitely say fuck driving 24 hours.

try doing it for a living. its quite fun


drove from little america wy to wichita unloaded some catalyst and then to my house. just shy of 900 miles in a semi that could only go 74mph by the end of the nite i was doing the ace venture with my head out the window. time i left to time i stoped was 23hrs.


should have pulled over and went to bed but i wanted to be home and enjoy my weekend.

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I've had a lot of people calling asking about how we were going to do this. I really am not sure what the best way to do this. Honestly I think that just good old fashion dune racing is going to be the simplist way without organization. I really think that everybody will be on the honor system on your setup and just run what you brung.


I have had more interest in ruling the stock cylinder class than anything else.


We have had several calls also asking if this was a builders race. I just wanted to let everybody know that this isn't a organized event jus good ole fashioned dune racing. Everybody is more than welcome infact the more the better. Also we are pushing this as a all welcome race, sponsors, non sponsers, independents ect. So push ur favorite builder to come!


If anybody has any input beyond just run what you brung feel free to share.

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i know a guy in garden city that had a fully portable light set up WITH timers. not sure if we'd need the timer's.. it ran off of a car battery. and could be easilly set up out there.


not sure if he still has it or not? i'll see if i can get ahold of him.


ig not its not to hard to buidl you might just paint some 12volt big bulbs used for those old drop lights? i think they are available in clear..

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i know a guy in garden city that had a fully portable light set up WITH timers. not sure if we'd need the timer's.. it ran off of a car battery. and could be easilly set up out there.


not sure if he still has it or not? i'll see if i can get ahold of him.


ig not its not to hard to buidl you might just paint some 12volt big bulbs used for those old drop lights? i think they are available in clear..


Ask him where he got it or built it. A picture would be good so i would have something to work off of. If you dont mind pm it to me.

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I wouldn't think the racing deal would be too much of an issue. Everyone needs to just go out there and race against bikes of similar size and set up. I am thinking that we don't even needs lights. Let's just do it old school and throw down the arm and go. Everyone will be watching anyway so if you pull out early, everyone will see it.

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Dude you lOVE some titties(Sig) LOL, so do I. Yea thats kinda far to drive and 23 hr straight i know you have to drink a lot of energy drinks

try doing it for a living. its quite fun


drove from little america wy to wichita unloaded some catalyst and then to my house. just shy of 900 miles in a semi that could only go 74mph by the end of the nite i was doing the ace venture with my head out the window. time i left to time i stoped was 23hrs.


should have pulled over and went to bed but i wanted to be home and enjoy my weekend.

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