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Crank Seals

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Well today was the first time i got to ride my shee after the winter tear down. I just painted everything and replaced all the suspension bearings and stuff like that. Only motor mods are the timing plate at +4 and some used stock carbs...mine had stripped caps..and some new reeds. It was running awsome today at the badlands. I rode for about 2 hours and the right pipe was smoking like crazy. I checked tranny fluid and it was almost gone. So im sure its a crank seal. banghead Now i know my top end will need redone. Its only a little over 100psi both sides. I have never tore the motor apart. And now i have no money. So what kind of cost am i looking at for this? I will do the work myself but i dont have alot to spend. I pray my crank is ok. What other things should i look for? I hope to get by with just seals and hope it last this summer. I had planned on a rebuild this winter. But my first ride and this happens :shootself:

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first of all always use new seals, you didnt say that you re-used them but sum ppl do and thats no good. second always grease them, you dont need gobs of grease just a coating on the outside dia. and the inside dia. where the crank touches the seal and where the cases touch the seals is where you need to grease. youll prolly need to re-ring ur pistons if ur down to 100psi. $25 for a clymer manual, $50 or so for rings and $20 for seals, if thats all you need about 100bucks and few hours work and youll be good. when you say you rode it for 2 hours did you ride it smoking for 2 hours or was that when you noticed it and stopped riding?

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Thanks. And no as soon as i noticed it i stopped riding. I thought it was strange because it was running so good. I still had tranny fluid but not much. So i guess it started smoking and i rode it for around 10 minutes. Mainly just back to my truck. I already have the clymers.....so i guess im ready lol

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