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Radiator Leak from wreck

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Well, If anyone has read my last topic about my brother rolling my SHEE to update, Its been a slow painful and yet very hands on experience, Got all new maier plastics for it today, Been spraying new paint on things that needed it cleaning it all up and making everything like new, Just still have the frame to get str8 where it got bent and now I learned the radiator has been also damaged, It has a slight leak at the top of it where the bolt goes to bolt it to the frame, Looks like the weld for it peeled back right in that small area, Just slightly but where the thickest part of the RAD is. My brother says JB WELD, LOL, I have access to a mig welder which I can use a shielding gas with, Or is it a hopless cause and just get a new one? Keep in mind, Its my brother. Trying to save every $$ for him. If the mig may work what gas is best if anyone ever done aluminum this thin? ARGON?

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You can't weld it, but you can take it to a radiator shop and they can repair it for you.

LOL, Tig, Mig, I meant the same thing, I got one at work and it can weld aluminum. But yeah, I did not think it could weld anything this thin. Thought I ask anyway. Hey yeah I'm going to PM you above.

Edited by JSHEE34756
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