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milky oil

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Ok so I replaced the heater tube o-ring and water pump seal and bearing, put fresh oil and coolant into it and rode it for a bout 5 hrs. When I got home and drained the oil it was milky again. Is it possible that there is residual coolant in there and i need to just do a few more oil flushes? Is there any other way that coolant could get into the trans besides those 2 seals? Also, before i did the rebuild the vent hose on the back top of the case was not connected (previous owner) and i reconnected it after it was done, is it possible if that vent tube is plugged that it would build up pressure and some how send it back into the trans? Could i just disconnect the vent and retry? This really sux because i just had the thing rebuilt and im still having this issue, I just wanna ride without any problems! Thanks for any help

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