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421 cheetah nicasil flaking off


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Hi all


i have a very new 421 cheetah,

it was a complete kit from trinity, but im not sure about the cynlders, as the suplier in Australia had them on the shelf, and his reputation isnt real flash so im not sure on there past.


motor was profesionally built, run in , dynoed, and then in its first compeditive race i didnt even finish the first lap. (lap 30 miles long)

i got about 28 miles.


backed of at the end of the straight and it started dying so i clutched it and pulled over. everything seemed fine so i went to restart and noticed it was low on compression.

drove home and stripped it and this is what i found.




any ideas on the cause?

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Bad plating but more than likely was it leaking any coolant? Antifreeze leaking in the cylinder is known to flake nikasil.



no leaking coolant that im aware of, the left cylnder also had it flaking off but only a small amount and up near the top on the intake side.

plugs and tops of pistons look like its running sweet, so im a bit confused as to the cause of this issue.


what brand domes did you change to?

as one of the domes has a fair amount of nickasil hanging out of it, so i have to replace it anyway.


the cylinders ,head, domes etc are part of Trinitys complete 421 kit with carbs etc, so what domes will suit this head?


thanks guys.

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