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You guys ever run into this problem with your K&N pods?


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Hahahahahaha....I had to watch the whole thing even though it's wicked bad. blink.gif



Like I said. In an Infomercial you wont ever hear one bad thing about the product they are trying to sell you. Hell if there was a Leading Brand Foam filter that was dominating the filter market you could proababy find a videos of other foam filter comanies tearing the Leading MFG's Foam Filter appart trying to sell there own.


I will stick with K&N's

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Like I said. In an Infomercial you wont ever hear one bad thing about the product they are trying to sell you. Hell if there was a Leading Brand Foam filter that was dominating the filter market you could proababy find a videos of other foam filter comanies tearing the Leading MFG's Foam Filter appart trying to sell there own.


I will stick with K&N's


Yeah but how do you explain what you seen with your own eyes. Saying that its just an infomercial is a cop-out excuse. Instead explain what happened in the video and why its wrong.

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Why at the end of the film when they talked about flow they just thew numbers out there. They did not do the floating ping pong ball test, or better yet a real CFM flow bench test. Surely an air filter mfg company has access to one. That is because they knew there filter would look bad, and since it is an Infomercial designed to sell products they wont show that. They just made claims. One of wich is there filter with 6000 miles on it makes just as much hp on a dyno as K&N and Paper filter becuase your engine doesnt need the extra air.


I am sure a K&N would make as Much HP with 6000 miles on it. They just used the 6000 miles to reitterate that there filter is still better than a K&N. It sounds better. Why not have equal testing across the board, compair them directly. Two seperate test, All Clean and All with 6000 miles. The test were probably done but more than likely it showed something they didnt like. Cause if the K&N hugly dropped of performance they would be standing up on there soap box preaching it. They dont mention it, so it probably didnt go in there favor.


Lower Flow than a K&N but the same HP because your engine doesnt need that much air. Really? I am sure he is right, I dont need any more air I already got enough.

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well, that vid, they tested "gause" filter, and there is actually a difference in the media.....big diference. i have k&n's in front of me, as well as the "k&n style" gause knock-offs.......i've run all types over many years on toys, and big toys, lol. where they are different, is the k&n patented strung and crosslaid matts overlaping in several alternating layers. the other brands, such as what comes with my airbox adapter and aerospeed/aem, etc cone clamp-ons, is a single random sprayed fine fibre matt. WHY this matters- well, the fine fibres that are randomly laid create high and low density areas, with no real structure to keep it more into place @ rated flow. the air will flow higher in these areas, and open those up to larger holes, allowing larger particulates through. this becomes allot worse, as it plugs, and when using the wrong cleaning/drying methods. now, the k&n matts, on the ther hand, are laid in there in a way that the air flows through a labrynth, changing direction amany times, the way any oiled filter is supposed to work, even the foams. now, i will agree, the only way to damage the foam is tearing it, or blasting holes through it with compressed air...aside form environmental occourence, like burning on the exhaust. however, a well treated name brand k&n will provide more than enough protection against harmfull particulates. they way to kill it's effectiveness.....1- under oiling, oviously.....2-over oiling and running high flow, which can colapse it and damage the gause, just like........3- not cleaning it......4- cleaning and drying it using compressed air and high water pressure, like you get from normal and unaerated tap water falling near the bottom, or up against the filter. this damages the gause, and foces it to start to open holes....and 5- phusical damage.


to debunk the infomercial there.......the little peice of gause filter used there is half the size rated for 1-115cfm 30mm carb, overloading and damaging the underoiled gause almost instantly as soon as he flipped the switch. now, if he had pulled the test with the rated cfm for the filters, and had k&n oil their new filter before, you would not see the same results, but 'eh it's an infomercial. do you think snuggies are cool after laughing 'till you pee with that dude wearin one? not me. i would also like to say i chose to run uni foam pods on my sno-go, and blaster, so i am not anti foam. i love both styles in many aplications, even have seen some verry nice paper fiters, which i have run in a few cars. i just don't think that all the k&n shit talking is well founded and defined, as the foams are in this thread.


in closing, i would like to state a few thigs....... is the foam filter a nasty, undesireable mess to clean, or even touch? hell yah, i hate doing them. do they work well? yes. many good things are a pita, or diffcult to deal with, like grease.....i REALLY hate grease, but use the piss out of it. is k&n able to provide really high protection? yes, but you have to take care of it. so, it's a trade off of dealing with the mess/looks, or being really carefull. and outterwares are for both styles to block wet material like water and mud, on all style filters. so, here is my 200cents about it.


oh, and for the origional issue in this thread- remove those 1" reed spacers and see where you are at. i suggest the tapered/cone style 10 degree filters, like i see every day from one of the sponsors.....i think it is mull that sells them

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Good post AK. I would have like to see the guy in the video oil up all the filters on camera. And no cuts either. one take. Ya gotta look at these questions in a scientific way. Unbiased. I think both types have their advantages and that depends on the air quality conditions. I dunno, I could be wrong, but how I see it is... foam is going to filter dirt and dust better, but your lose some airflow\hp. The opposite with a K&N. But I want to know the truth about HP numbers before I can say the gain in HP is worth the trade off of better filtration. There's got to be some Banshee dyno runs out there somewhere. And we need an unbiased filtration test too. I'd switch my filters to K&N's if the Hp gains are high enough and an unbiased filtration test was done. I could be wrong, my info could be old and outdated, I could be wrong. We need to put the filters through the...."scientific method":clap:... to find answers to age old questions. The special weave pattern in a K&N filter was interesting to hear. This weave could work exceptionally well. The next time someone asks 'what filter type is better', we can just reply with a 'need to do more testing' :).


I run K&N pods on my Rz. They're cool. work fine. I didn't notice any HP changes when I installed the K&N's, but I wasn't replacing the airbox, I was replacing a Toomey 2:1 filter and that setup was made of foam. There could have been a hp increase, I don't recall remembering any difference...


Here's how you clean a foam filter in 300 seconds. Use a parts washer. so easy. If you don't have a parts washer, then its a bitch sometimes. Use some kerosene and bowl. Squeeze the fucker till it stops dripping. don't twist it. blow a little shop air in there if your in a hurry. Get some of the spray on oil filter oil, don't fuck around trying to dip it in 10w40 oil bullshit. Spray some oil on, rub it in a little. Install. Handlin' the oiled up filter really does suck. Just put a shop rag or a paper towel over the filter to help keep your hands clean when hookin' it up. I think the cleaning\oiling questions about the two filter types is a draw. Each filter type is cleaned up and re-oiled essentially the same way. Clean, dry, re-spray.


Does price count for anything ? No. Prices shouldn't be questioned IMO. I think a UNI filter costs about 2/3rd's the price of a K&N. I think the K&N oil and foam filter oil are priced about the same.


Coal dust around here get really bad in the summer. Big black clouds of it. Its super dangerous to ride though cause you can hit someone head-on. Its like riding in thick black smoke. It sucks so bad when it gets dry like that. It hard to follow another guy down the trail, you can't see rocks and shit on the trail. It ruins the day. Last year it rained every other day, so we had mud instead of dust. I like the mud better than the dust, and I 'dislike' mud.... a lot. :rolleyes:


Is there any dust when your sand riding ? I've never rode in sand, I honestly don't know the answer. Videos that I've seen, there doesn't appear to be any dust clouds. If there's no dust, or little to moderate dust in the air, and your riding a modding banshee, and the K&N's show a HP increase on the dyno, the I'd say the K&N's would be the better filter for sand guys. I wonder if anyone read all of this :D.

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My father in law runs foam filters on their dirt bikes. He says using solvent damages the foam. He just uses some filter cleaner and dawn dish soap. Rince it clean and wring the water out.


Then he oils it while it is still wet. Soak it down with foam filter oil and wring it out. The oil will push the excess water out.


One down fall to K&N's is you have to wait for the filter to dry before you oil it.

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hmm, never tried to push the tack oil through the water, lol.......and that was what i was thinking about the foam and solvent, so i never did it, but if meat here has done it several times and not damaged it, even ringing it out, then i guess it doesn;t harm it.........if it did, then it would fall to peices in your hands, or at least rip.....unless it's a fuel oil in the solvent tank, not solvent, then that changes things, lol


oh, and yes, i read all of your long posts, lol......i always wonder the same thing about my long ones, too. :cheers:

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use kerosene, not a some sorta fancy solvent. Dont use gasoline or brake or carb cleaners. And parts washer fluid is nothing more than fancy, expensive kerosene. I don't let the filter soak or anything like that, ya just run it under the parts washer nozzle. Kerosene is a great degreaser. Iv never tried the spray on cleaners but I'd imagine they work fine.


AK, I don't 'ring out' the filter to dry it, I said to 'just squeeze it' to get the majority of cleaner out.

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Would it fuck up a foam filter if you rinsed the filter under the nozzle ?

yes, most industrial solvents do, even the organic solvents.........in about 1 min after contact. at least that's with rubber o-rings and such

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