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Cub Jetting Help........................


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Ok guys I need some help I found alot of support when I set up my stock cylinders so I finally switched to a cheetah cub and I got the bike to start but its way off just trying to find some info and some advice on where to go from here.

65mm Cheetah cub with clean-up port

Stock stroke crank

33MM PWK's

Toomy T5's (only till I can afford some CPI's)

elevation is about 300-400 feet

I put 175 main jets and 58 pilets in it just to see what it would do but its not right some looking for some help here.


Also I just bought a timing plate but I didn't have a chance to put it on yet any recomendations on what to set it at?


I appreciate any info to help me out and I will be the first to say that I am not very bright when it comes to jetting.

Edited by Blownyel93
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ON a 4 mil cub with PWK 35s and a clean up port I used 48 pilots and 152 mains.

You're rich IMO.

You might need a little more jet on a stock stroke vs. a 4 mil due to a better intake signal and more dwell, but...you're rich IMO.


Have you leak tested the motor and checked the squish?


Absolutely critical on any motor, even more so on an aftermarket cylinder.

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ON a 4 mil cub with PWK 35s and a clean up port I used 48 pilots and 152 mains.

You're rich IMO.

You might need a little more jet on a stock stroke vs. a 4 mil due to a better intake signal and more dwell, but...you're rich IMO.


Have you leak tested the motor and checked the squish?


Absolutely critical on any motor, even more so on an aftermarket cylinder.



I like this topic seeing im going to be building the same thing but would like to go the 68mm bore and have cpi's with 35pwks on alky.




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I used the 35pwks on my 350 that had the exhaust ported and the cases ported with the same pipes and never changed the jets one bit when switching to the 7mill. Dan checked them out before we ran it and said it would be fine and ran it for two seasons on those carbs. It was a tad rich though. Blownyel ill go pick my carbs up here in a day or two and check the jetting and see what it is and post it for u. If its around what dave posted then I would say go with it.




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