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Colored Radiator Hoses

Woody 350

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Plus that is going to save you probably 40 bucks and i think it looks way better, i have it on my bike

I tried this and unless you have a longer frame the hoses tend to make a small kink nothing big but enough to slow flow hose frome homedepot are not pre-formed I ran the hoses from china though. Work great its pretty tuff to make hoses wrong even for the chinese.

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Hey I just wanted to let you know, I mite be getting in another set of blue radiator hoses, the place I ordered them from on e-bay is in china and EMS does there shipping, anyway EMS lost my hoses so ASI sent me new ones free, well got the hoses in the mail today a week late, but the other ones are still on the way! when I get them Ill be selling them for $30.00 plus shipping there nice hoses installed them today shoot me an e-mail if you want them Mrentz2701@msn.com

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