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WT: cheap banshee south florida


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After parting out my bike last year im thinking of getting back into the banshee scene. If any one has a cheap bike/roller/blowup/crashed in the south florida area they dont want an arm and a leg for(something reasonable im on college budget) let me know and ill take it off your hands.

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After parting out my bike last year im thinking of getting back into the banshee scene. If any one has a cheap bike/roller/blowup/crashed in the south florida area they dont want an arm and a leg for(something reasonable im on college budget) let me know and ill take it off your hands.




i got an 04 le banshee with cpis weiseco pistons 6 pack rack asv levers im looking for $3000 for it

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  • 2 weeks later...

After parting out my bike last year im thinking of getting back into the banshee scene. If any one has a cheap bike/roller/blowup/crashed in the south florida area they dont want an arm and a leg for(something reasonable im on college budget) let me know and ill take it off your hands.


I got an o3 with everything new, and i mean everything! It"s 4 mil long rod w/big bore kit, less then 10 hours on bike , i just turned 38 years old and all it does is sit, but it did snow 2 weeks ago here in springfield mo, and i got out and pulled my step daughter on a sled for 25 minutes and got sick with bad bonchitis and relize im just gettting to old, everything is new except frame, everything!! 417-379-7474 or donnydodad@msn.com over 6k or more invested with take 3k or BO

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