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Reed cage placement

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Typically people put the spacer on the cylinder side of the reed valve, so the second(lower) picture would be correct. In theory anyway the extra space is supposed to allow the fuel to better mix or something to that effect. In actuality, the reed spacers mainly help with carb clearance issues either on the clutch arm or with your intake setup so the placement really doesn't matter too much because the reed spacers won't give you much of a performance gain to begin with.

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Typically people put the spacer on the cylinder side of the reed valve, so the second(lower) picture would be correct. In theory anyway the extra space is supposed to allow the fuel to better mix or something to that effect. In actuality, the reed spacers mainly help with carb clearance issues either on the clutch arm or with your intake setup so the placement really doesn't matter too much because the reed spacers won't give you much of a performance gain to begin with.


Not exactly true. Some say that the spacer before the reed valve and after the reed valve changes performance from low end to top end. I haven't noticed either. I use the spacer for, exactly as you said, carb clearance.


Now for placement, if i put the spacer behind the reed with my VF2s, it will allow the cage to come out of the frame, thus allowing the fuel charge to not be trapped in the tract once past the reed valve. The dimensions of my reed spacer are smaller then the cage dimensions and don't trap the cage inside the VF frame. This is corrected on mine by placing the spacer against the cylinder and allowing the intake manifold to capture the reed cage in the VF frame. This is not an issue with VF3s because of the design changes. Just something to look for during assembly.



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Keep the reeds as close and into the motor as you can. If you think about it. It closes off to the motor to keep the fuel/air mix in the motor. If you space the reed back then your allowing the compression-fuel/air mix to come out. I dont understand why they call them reed spaces. They should have named them carb/reed spacers. But mostly they are there to space the carb back and off the clutch lever. But hey. Anyone with a dyno and has done testing on both; I would love to hear the out come of which one is better.

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Hmm, I always remember hearing it the other way...


Ive never been a big fan of reed spacers for perfomance reasons, and I only ever ran them on one bike, and they were placed with the cylinder/spacer/reed, I remember the directions saying that was the way to run them. I could be wrong though.

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