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Running on one cylinder


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I have a 96 Banshee that fails to run on both cylinders. I completely hard wired the entire bike to eliminate some other problems, and still no good. I swapped out the CDI, the Coil, and plugs. I even swapped out the coils wires from one side to the other. I removed the carbs, cleaned, and then reinstalled. I am getting spark to both plugs. When i pulled them out, the cylinder that was firing is good and the other that wasnt was wet with gas. I know it is getting gas. The side that isnt running is the carb with the choke on it. (Left) Any ideas or suggestions?

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I don't know if you have gone through this or not. But it is very good to read. Will basically give you everything you need to know and how to check and test everything and more.... . http://www.bansheehq.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=12&Itemid=28

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When you try everything and it all checks out with the ohm meter try swapping the fly wheel,I have seen alot of shit go wrong but twice in ten years I had flywheel throw me 4 a loop for days,checking and rechecking,shake it if it sounds like loose rocks,or pick-up isnt rite,magnets come loose.Give it a whirl

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mine is doing the same thing cept my right cylinder is not firing. to me i believe its a fuel issue because i have good spark from both plugs (gapped at .040) and i have 125lbs of compression from the l.h.cyl ( the one that works) and 135lbs out of the right cyl ( the one that wont fire). I had the bike runnig last night, it would sit there and idle no problem with out the little tube connected that goes between the choke ports or whatever. the left pipe did have a good bit of white smoke coming out of it like it was loading up......so i got a piece of hose and put it between the carbs for the choke and now it wont sit there and idle with out hitting the gas and still no fire from the right cylinder, is there some stupid im missing or do i need another set of carbs or maybe something with the reeds, i just duno.




any help would be appreciated, thanks


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Have you checked the gap on your pick up coil, by the flywheel? It's supposed to be gapped at .020. If it's not, then it can cause firing issues. While you're at it, you might as well replace the spark plug boots, as they are cheap, and easy to change. They just screw onto the ends of the plug wires.

Edited by fastbanshee8
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Have you checked compression, didn't see it listed in your post? You have spark and you have fuel.


When you swapped plug wires, did the problem stayed with that cylinder or move to other?


So, I was able to get a new flywheel for my bike, replaced it, and still the same problem exists. When out at superstition, the problem remained. The only differenct this time is that after messing with it and finally putting back to where it was at normally, it started running on the left cylinder for a couple minutes and then went back to the right. This is really throwing me for a loop. Ive got the fastest bike of all my friends, when it runs. I spent new years riding someone elses when I got the chance. Im about two minutes from putting it in the shop!!!!

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If its only hitting on one side and you changed plug wires and the problem did not change sides its most likely a fuel issue. If you have stock carbs make sure the choke tube is in place, make sure that you have the right bowl on the right carb there is a difference. If Unlikely that its ignition related if its only affecting one side but be sure and check the pickup gap at the flywheel should be about .020, and make sure the tors is disabled.

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i just ran into same problem and i opened up my top end to see what could be going on after syncing my carbs over and over and discovered a shattered piston ring and a cracked reed and after more inspection found a stripped out water impeller gear who knows cant hurt to go through it

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