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my first post with a problem


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Proly your float/s hight. Take your bowls off (4 screws..simple) And hang the carb/s right side up and set the floats to 20-22 mm with the floats hanging down. Measure from the bottom of the float to the bottom of the carb, where the gasket would seal up. Just bend the tab/s on the float/s where they connect to the carb to raise them up some. = Done deal.


If there in spec, well then its your needle/seat..need to clean out.


Anyways, read this>>> http://www.dfn.com/benkaren/jetfaq.html And it tells you how to do both AND tons of jetting info for your 26mm Mikuni carbs.

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the little clear hose comin out of the carb and to the bottom of the fram i think its just an overflow... i was wondering if my petcock could be broke or something


sounds like your petcock is passing.. maybe try filling ur tank .

then having the petcock closed take the fuel line off and see if feul dripps out


and x2 on the other stuff they said

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The single tube on the bottom of the carbs is not an overflow, it's a drain.

That honestly...never gets used. Take the bowl off, one carb at a time so you don't accidentally swap bowls (there is a right and left bowl)

Remove the screw all the way, and clean the bejesus out of the bowl, the hole and the drain screw.


Then...as said, check to see why the fuel valve isn't shutting off/sealing properly.


You can get a used fuel valve cheap...probably less than 20 or so shipped if the valve is bad.

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I wish my buddy, who bought the bike from the dealership in 1996, told me he used future prototype carbs on the bike when I bought his 96 from him back in 2005. I would've had it equipped with a Mr. Fusion as well.


Seriously, I've converted a shit ton of stock carbs to non-TORS. I've never seen that tube in both bowls.

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well, i have 5 factory carbs and every bowl has it.........what it doesn't have is the choke pickup tube. otherwise, it would fill the crankcase everytime it leaked.......so, on this site, that makes 2-3, plus the ones you guys claim...



i think AK is right here... the bowls have to have an overflow tube on both sides.. or that would just be silly

but they would only have 1 choke tube as there is only 1 carb with a choke control :)

Edited by GNR101
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