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extended rear yes or no?


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As I am in the middle of rebuilding my ride. I have been thinking about and extended rear arm. I ride mainly glamis dunes and sometimes occtillo wells (dirt) No drags. Does an eurended arm help in any way in turning and articulation? or is it good for straight runs only? Is there an advantage at all to changing my stock arm length for my type of riding?

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As I am in the middle of rebuilding my ride. I have been thinking about and extended rear arm. I ride mainly glamis dunes and sometimes occtillo wells (dirt) No drags. Does an eurended arm help in any way in turning and articulation? or is it good for straight runs only? Is there an advantage at all to changing my stock arm length for my type of riding?



I put a +2 on mine and I LOVE it!! I seem to ride alot better over woops and stuff, I can do some steep hill climbs and not worrie so much about fliping over,


I was power sliding it today really hard for the first time and it felt really good.

I like to do alot of drag racing and didnt want to scare any bikes off with a long swing arm, and didnt want to losse traction and wheelies so thats y i went with a +2.

and another + is that the stock brake line can be used and it look ok.

What are you thinking about going with?

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I put a +2 on mine and I LOVE it!! I seem to ride alot better over woops and stuff, I can do some steep hill climbs and not worrie so much about fliping over,


I was power sliding it today really hard for the first time and it felt really good.

I like to do alot of drag racing and didnt want to scare any bikes off with a long swing arm, and didnt want to losse traction and wheelies so thats y i went with a +2.

and another + is that the stock brake line can be used and it look ok.

What are you thinking about going with?

Not real sure what I as going for. I was worried that a long swing arm would lessen my ability to power slide and haul ass through the dunes. Besides it looking cool I also thought it would make the ride a bit better. I want roll over the peak of a dune with some speed and a good range of movement. + 2 sunds like it may be the key right in between

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i got a plus 4 on my cub, wheelies are nere impossable and i can roost my tires on asphalt any gear. i wish i would of gotten a plus 2


i dont think you are getting any traction.

i have a +8 on mine with cub and you cant keep the front end of it down without the wheelie bar.


unless you are hillshooting and drag racing, i dont think i would go over a +4.

also the longer you go out the back, this will make your shock softer by putting more leverage on the ass end. you can compensate by having your shock re-valved and/or changing out the spring.

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I got a +4 and I love it I ride mostly trails and woods. I guess it makes things a little tighter in the small trails but to be honest a banshee dont like to be putted around on the tight trails anyway thats not what they are really for as far as I'm concerned. I can still wheelie and power slide with no problem but as far as drag racing or hill shooting it cant be beat and its smooths up the whoops a bunch. And if your riding the dunes I would say go with a +4 you wont regret it.

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I got a +4 and I love it I ride mostly trails and woods. I guess it makes things a little tighter in the small trails but to be honest a banshee dont like to be putted around on the tight trails anyway thats not what they are really for as far as I'm concerned. I can still wheelie and power slide with no problem but as far as drag racing or hill shooting it cant be beat and its smooths up the whoops a bunch. And if your riding the dunes I would say go with a +4 you wont regret it.

so any length added to the stock length will make a smoother ride in the rear huh?

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