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Ok, so I got my Banshee a few days ago, first twostroke, carbs=confusing as hell, first with a manual clutch, my last one was 5 speed but auto clutch. My question is how do guys burnout or get there tires to spray dirt? I tried to rev it up kinda high and dump the clutch but it either bogs or stalls. I am still getting used to riding around on it and I must say, these machines are incredibly impressive. I do drive a 5 speed,1998 Firebird, and I was thinking the burnout technique is probably the same, but just havent had time to try it with hunting and all.

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Are you sure you were in 1st gear? From neutral, did you pull the shift lever up and try to drop the clutch at higher RPM's? I imagine since you came from a 5 speed utility quad or something with an automatic clutch, neutral would be at the bottom, and up would be 1-5. On these neutral is sandwhiched in between 1st and 2nd, it still the same shit pattern pretty much once ur in gear, its just neutral is in a different spot. I know this confuses alot of peope at first, when people are trying to tell them the shift pattern is like 1 down 5 up or something, just shift it like a normal quad, and when you ever want to get it back in nuetral, its between first and second.

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Bringing the revs way up then dumpin the clutch in 1st from a dead stop will fullfill your need of roostin, Do that on asphalt and your shee will somersault and will be on you ass quicker than you know. Burnouts i dont bother I dont want to risk breaking shit. But an important key to keep in mind is your body weight transfer.



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Its all in the clutch! If your in sand with a good set of tires and dump the clutch (depending on the clutch integrity) it may bog. This could mean that your jetting is off or you just tried to transfer too much power to the ground at once. If you slip the clutch slightly and allow your wheel spin to catch up with the motor RPMs this may help.


If your bike is not tuned properly it will not perform as expected. If it is tuned properly then it should run like a scalded monkey even if it is stock. You should have no issues ripping the tires unless the set up isn't right.



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