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4 mill

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i want a duner/drag bike i alredy have a trail bike


I think if you want a drag bike that you can still dune with and have fun doing it the stock cylinder f 4 mil is the way to go. It has great usable power for duning and can hold its own at the drag strip. Your gonna still eat alot of sand from the big motors but that's when you know its time to sit out!


Mine can run ok with the smaller cubs, not to far behind and once in while I'll come out in front, but last trip out I don't think I was beat by a set of stock cylinders. Definitely worth the money over stock stroke.



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depending on what your are doing to the topend, if you are going to put a 4 mil in you will have to deck the head to make room for the 4mm longer stroke. Also if you plan on porting the cyclinders and maybe refeshening them then the cub is the way to go for the money. a 421 is the best combo for the buck, depending on the set up it is a great all around motor. A complete cub topend should be around a grand. a good port job, head, domes, and new pistons and hone job if needed are going run you atleast that. Plus a cub is a 68mm bore compare to a stock cyclinder at around 64mm meaning a cub will put our more power just bolted on. Plus you can always sell your stock cyclinders and regain some of your money or keep them as spares. Everyone I know that have the cub's love them and they do it all from trails, tree shots, drag racing and all around duning. Good luck man.

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