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sand haulers on ebay-


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i baught the set of knock off haulers that sell on ebay for 149.00 shiped. but made a offer of 130.00. it was excepted

the tires came and were 21x12x8-8 paddle and looked alott like a skat trak not quite as nice but same principle. the paddles are npt as tall and are a little softer. over all they looked like a pretty nice tire! in the dunes they performed fine i never got stuck and for a 130.00 tir they held there own on the sand drag strip 2. i guess i hav no complaints for the money they were great

and i would say they will out hook any other sand tire besides skat trak. i will be getting a set of tripple buff 10 paddle haulers

because im going to get more serious about dragging

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I bought a set of em while back from rocky mountain atv when they were misprinted at $99.99!!!!! free to ship too!! One of em met an un-timely death via sidewall gash when my buddy tried to run my bike over a damn warrior..... I liked em soo much, im trying to figure out how to sew up the gash and maybe put a tube in it.... Being that they are on beadlocks, im not to worried bout killin the tube from bead-slip......

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

They are a pretty good tire. They are a bit smaller than a 21" skattrack tho. I wouldn't use em on a bike with any more than a plus 4 swingarm like you would with the skattraks where guys run em on 6 and 8 over arms. Redline has hundreds of them ready to ship and I think he can beat the ebay guys price. 817 I think Justabanshee is selling his 22" 10 paddle triplebuff haulers if you are still wantin some.

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They are a pretty good tire. They are a bit smaller than a 21" skattrack tho. I wouldn't use em on a bike with any more than a plus 4 swingarm like you would with the skattraks where guys run em on 6 and 8 over arms. Redline has hundreds of them ready to ship and I think he can beat the ebay guys price. 817 I think Justabanshee is selling his 22" 10 paddle triplebuff haulers if you are still wantin some.


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I've got a buddy that has a set of these. 8 paddle on 10" (pretty sure) ITP C Series rims. I think he wants $150 for them. The rims alone are worth that when purchased new. Let me know if anyone is interested and I can put you in touch with him.



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