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Philadelphia Eagles


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I was just wondering what the philly fans thought about the Michael Vick thing? Are you guys for him or against him. Me personally I'm a Ravens fan and if he was to come to the ravens I would be upset. When a man like him that makes that kinda money the only thing that I can ask myself is why the hell would he do it. I currently own a Pitbull and I've owned 4 of them through out my life and I would never think about fighting them. Anybody who does is only a pussy who cant fight their own fights.

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It pisses me off. I really wish that all major league teams in all sports would stand up and ban these retards from playing. Its not just Vick that Im talking about either. There are a bunch of fuck ups that should be able to play. Also, I dont think Vick is a good QB anyways. We already have one QB that cant hit the side of a barn. We dont need two.

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Is that the same QB that took the eagles to 4 nfc confrence finals and a super bowl? :blink:


So are you saying that the rest of the team had nothing to do with all of that? Because without the rest of the team the QB would not be shit.

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So are you saying that the rest of the team had nothing to do with all of that? Because without the rest of the team the QB would not be shit.


lol,Yeah thats what Im saying ,,he did it all buy himself. :shoothead:


No ,what Im really saying is,SCRUB QBs dont make it to the confrnce finals four years in a row.

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Hate to tell you this one but Mcnabb wasnt there for two of the confrence games and he chokes in the big games. He was throwing up in the Superbowl because he couldnt hack it. He has been hurt a majority of his recent contract. The rest of the team is what made him look good and the fact that up until Cobbs the Eagles have had good back-up QB's. If McNabb was the QB that they are paying him to be we would have at least 2 superbowls.

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OMG give the guy a chance i'm sure he fought dogs. Whoopdi fucking doooooo how many other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fight dogs and not get caught. Just cause he is a NFL player he's an asshole. I hope he takes over Philly!

No I personally think that anybody who fights dogs is a fucking asshole pussy with no feelings or remorse for what they are really doing. This man is supposed to be role model. I dont know if you got kids or not but I do and I dont want them looking up to a piece of shit like that. I'd like to throw his ass in a ring and let my pit rip him a new asshole. And his buddies to. My dog is like one of my kids and I wouldnt think of doing this to my kids. And what makes anyone think that these dogs really want to rip each other apart unfortunetly this is what these pieces of shit are training them to do. Check this out then form an opinion

Edited by madjimmax
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Technically.. he never fought dogs... just payed for it.


At least that was what I gathered.. but.. I never payed much attention to the matter..

Then how do you explain all the dogs at his house? It's not like these dogs were at somebody else house and they found a paper trail that connected everything. This shit was in his back yard. And if you was him would you admit it?

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