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Removing Airbox, What About Reservoir?


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I'm switching the Toomey 2:1 intake so I'll be doing away with my stock air box. What do I do with the reservoir? I've thought about cutting the back side off the air box so I'd be able to bolt it and hang the reservoir off the back like it does now. Any suggestions?

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When i removed my airfilter box i had took it all out leaving a side to where the resivoir mounts to. But i wen ahead and took the resivior tank out too. It will give you a much cleaner look on ur bike. The hose that goes to the resivoir from the radiator, cut that sucker off and run it straight down from the radiator so you can see if its over heating it will spew collant through there, its much better to see if shes getting hot. And the other hose to the resivoir is just a breather hose, toss that sucker out.

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