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Mid range hesitation

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There is no way we can diagnose this thing by looking at a video. If you cant read what the bikes doing and tell us, then we aren't going to be able to help you fix it.


I hate it when people try to have me watch a video or listen to a bike over the phone.


Have you looked at the easy shit like ohming the coil plug caps? Checking for melted and shorted wiring?


I just trying everything i can to explain what its doing, every little bit helps.

And yes, went through the entire wiring harness and checked resistance on the whole system. Even swapped coils off a good running bike (with wires) *i knew i said this a couple times already* Its a mess man, i dont mean to make people aggravated with me and piss each other off but its making me sick everynight.

Edited by LIM_Whiteboy4life
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Ok well let me ask this. You said before it started. When and how did it start? Even though the motor is new check the compression. Kinda like the other guy said kinda hard to figure it out on video. It really sound like low compression. Ck it and post the actual number. What do you mean it won't climb a hill in 1st? I understand your frustration but ever bit of info helps. PLEASE ck compression

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Ok well let me ask this. You said before it started. When and how did it start? Even though the motor is new check the compression. Kinda like the other guy said kinda hard to figure it out on video. It really sound like low compression. Ck it and post the actual number. What do you mean it won't climb a hill in 1st? I understand your frustration but ever bit of info helps. PLEASE ck compression

180 both jugs


What i was saying is when there is a load on the motor, climbing a hill causes a HUGE load on the motor, when i would try to climb a hill it would get on the pipe and as i was progressing it sputtered down to a crawl and stalled, I have no hills at my house so i did what i could to simulate a "load" on the motor by having it in a high gear and pull through the rpm (like on a dyno....)


stator is shot, here's pics TY for helping




Edited by LIM_Whiteboy4life
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Damn thats what ive been telling you all along in the chat room. Change it, also change your stator plate so that the pick up is not hanging out on one tab and bolt :laugh:

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Couple steps ahead of ya.... :biggrin:

dud i hope you figure it out,for you and me-not trying to be an ass clown but you've listed my shit to a tee.when i climb hills too-im good but when i fall off the pipe its done.my stator looks worse than yours-like it was found at the bottom of a swamp all rusty and shit.it tested okay a while ago-but ive also had parts test bad and be good.i know that sounds retarded but the truth.i almost bought new carbs today (which i prob still should)because i thought my tm's were just un-jettable.please let me know if your problem is fixed after that-im just throwing money and parts to mine and its a faster piece of shit :laugh:

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Did you guys sand the poles down on the stator? Cracks in the magnets on the flywheel will give you problems too.

hey whiteboy-did you test your stator or just think its bad because it looks bad?not jackin your thread bro-i have cleaned my contacts with sandpaper though snops.its still pretty rusty.im going to change my stator tomorrow evening and i will post if it helped or we have another issue.it is a known good stator that the bike had no problems on...i hope this works but havent had it running right yet so im not counting on it.i have to say-with my t5s on there it was better but still had the same problem.its funny and im glad you posted that vid on youtube-i let my fellow banshee bitches listen and before i said anything they were like "dude that sounds exactly like your bike"lol.ill let you know whiteboy incase you ordered a stator and have to wait for the results..

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i was following this up on hillclimbersforum.com as well and my uncle is having the same problem with his bike. He also has the HJR dune port with t5's and similar mods. Hesitates like crazy mid throttle. I'm hoping we can figure his problem

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hey whiteboy-did you test your stator or just think its bad because it looks bad?not jackin your thread bro-i have cleaned my contacts with sandpaper though snops.its still pretty rusty.im going to change my stator tomorrow evening and i will post if it helped or we have another issue.it is a known good stator that the bike had no problems on...i hope this works but havent had it running right yet so im not counting on it.i have to say-with my t5s on there it was better but still had the same problem.its funny and im glad you posted that vid on youtube-i let my fellow banshee bitches listen and before i said anything they were like "dude that sounds exactly like your bike"lol.ill let you know whiteboy incase you ordered a stator and have to wait for the results..

I think i said this for the 5th time, we tested the whole electrical system :biggrin: its all good tho...

I order a stator off of kevin (HJR) and i will see what happens in a week or so.... :blink:

Edited by LIM_Whiteboy4life
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Damn thats what ive been telling you all along in the chat room. Change it, also change your stator plate so that the pick up is not hanging out on one tab and bolt :laugh:

dude, what's this about your pickup? verry important piece of info!!! 90% sure that was the prob, not the stator. 10% on the flywheel. that pickup needs to be locked down squarely, or it will vibrate out of spec @ certain rpm's. stator looks fine from the pics, althoug i cannot see the connections. mine is worse, and runs like a champ.


DECON- that is a jetting issue "hesitates mid throttle" do the plug chop to dial in mains, and then move/ change the needles to get rid of the mid throttle hesitation.


VOLCRANO- not to be a dick, or offend, but you seem to be getting really sold on his issue being your issue. would be nice, but probably not the case, and you're loosing time to get solving your problem. best thing would be to start a new thread with your pertinent info, and help will come your way much easier. one difference that sets you apart already, is that you can still run good while in the pipe, which could point tward things like being compression/reeds/fuel related....


i would like to apologise in advance if i sound like a dick today, as i am tired form just rolling on to nightshift, and pissed off already from political b.s. @ work last night/thismorning. :thanks:



hey, whittey- don't toss your old stator. :biggrin: i'll chat with u later...

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dude, what's this about your pickup? verry important piece of info!!! 90% sure that was the prob, not the stator. 10% on the flywheel. that pickup needs to be locked down squarely, or it will vibrate out of spec @ certain rpm's. stator looks fine from the pics, althoug i cannot see the connections. mine is worse, and runs like a champ.


I broke the plate while trying to adjust it, the bike still ran like crap prior to this. The plate broke squarely so i just tightened down the top screw and it held just fine while trying different pickup gaps, It doesnt really matter if it "looks" bad or not, it could be a number of things piled together as i was talking to kevin, Try the stator, then try swapping cdi, then flywheel, coil, plugs ect.... try combinations of different things. Its purely electrical, it has to be because the motor is perfectly sound....

Edited by LIM_Whiteboy4life
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DECON- that is a jetting issue "hesitates mid throttle" do the plug chop to dial in mains, and then move/ change the needles to get rid of the mid throttle hesitation.



did all that. Kevin told me its not the jetting. He told me to re gap the plugs, do a leakdown, and re gap the pickup coil.

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