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Mid range hesitation

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No matter what pilots/mains that were on the quad it always hesitates in the middle of the rpm range.

Here's what me and a buddy setup, an O2 sensor w/ hand held reader making sure the bike isnt running out of fuel or the jetting is fucked up.

Seems to only happen when its pinned in the middle of the rpm range.. i can keep it hesitating if i pin it... get off pin it again to stay at the "dead zone" in the RPM range.

I run a DYNA FS cdi with stock everything else on the ignition. We swaped to a stock cdi... same outcome.

Im either thinking the coil/wires are shot or something else is seriously wrong... Bike seems to run very well in the bottom and top but the middle is fucked, I tried fuckin with the needle... same outcome

Mods include: HJR Dune/play port w/ 19cc domes (180psi) on 110oct, 30mm OKO carbs (w/ pods), Boyseen epoxy reeds on stock cages(didnt check the reeds). and a Dyna cdi.

What im looking out of this thread is input and see whats the most common answer and/or someone that had similar issues


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Call cascade innovations in Boring, OR and tell thim the problem your having. Seems to me chris mentioned something about a bog with oko's to me last year.

Tony is more of the carb guy isnt he. Seems to be a litttle more clear than Chris. There both pretty knowlegable so they should be able to help.

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swapped coils, same outcome

Leakdown passed with flying colors... not one psi dropped.

Tried using 48 pilots with 160 mains... same outcome (needs one notch richer)

The whole electrical system passed all the Ohm's test.

Reeds are fine

If i call somewhere... it wont seem like they want to help me unless i buy something from them so.... yeah.

I will try calling anyone but ... this is pretty lame

Edited by LIM_Whiteboy4life
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you could try brandon with wildcard


as far as i know he has never refused to help someone whether they were buying from him or not (im sure he would rather it lol) but hes a great guy and should help you out if no one else has an answer for you

he is on dunercentral.com pretty often his screen name is wildcard-1 im not sure what his is on here

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you could try brandon with wildcard


as far as i know he has never refused to help someone whether they were buying from him or not (im sure he would rather it lol) but hes a great guy and should help you out if no one else has an answer for you

he is on dunercentral.com pretty often his screen name is wildcard-1 im not sure what his is on here

Well whoever i call i nearly get the same answer... try a diff set of carbs... so im waiting for my 330mains and i have to get some 27.5 or 30 pilots... and see what it does... if this doesn't fix it im fuckin shit canning this bike and quitting this shit for good...

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