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Nice Plastics off of '05

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I shipped a complete set from NJ to MI to a guy on here. I initially got a quote of $130ish too. Ended up wrapping them in saran wrap, kinda like shrink wrapping, they ended up being less than $40, and the fronts were uncut. Had something to do with the UPS store too. I took it to a regular ups place the 2nd time instead of a pack and ship place. Good luck. Bump

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When i sold my blue set to a guy on here it only cost him $25 via greyhound bus.


Something for you to look into anyways. :thumbsup:

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I went the greyhound route on something large before, it was a real pain in the ass. Had to pay storage because i couldn't get to Atlantic City for a few days. Trust me wrap em up in saran wrap and ship em UPS you have to kinda put them just right to make them as small as possible. and that set still had fronts uncut. It was Tundish I shipped that set to, the first quote was well over $100 I remember being dumbfounded how much they wanted to ship them, and it ended up being less than $40 I think in the end. Was his idea to do it that way, I didn't think it would be that cheap. I ended up being surprised.


PS the bike looks good Tundish

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Thanks for your help guys.... got the plastics shipped through greyhound for $35 from MI to CA. What a deal



Good deal. i always ship big stuff through greyhound.


Glad i could help. :beer:

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