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problem whith two diff motors now!


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could it be my flywheel...it kinda has a rattle to it when you shake it ,,,nothing major just kinda feels like something might be loose....bike doesn't vibrate or anything...





That was my next step if the coil was fine.

If the flywheel has broken magnets inside...YES...that could very well be it. Here's an example.

This was a dyno pull when I finally got my 4 mil cub back together a few years ago, all sealed up.


The crap run was with a POS RickyStator flywheel that was a few months old. The good run is with a good used OEM flywheel.

You can see how bad it broke up with a bad flywheel.


The graph don't lie.




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could be my problem then..its never misses in the same place twice though ...one run could bust up on top end the other outta the hole.....



my fly wheel looks brand new..when i shake it..it sounds like tiny piece's of sand inside it even though its clean as a whistle...i use to have problems with the same flywheel sheering key ways..i just thought i wasn't torquing it down enough..then started using a electric impact and it stopped


do you think that its broke a magnet????


it only breaks up under a load.....example here at the house all i have is a grassy yard to hole shot in and it blows the tires off ..doesn't miss or anything...as soon as it hooks at the track it starts breaking up...



that is how i ruled out a fuel prob.....when motors miss under a load its 9 times outta 10 a spark problem...

is there any way i can test a flywheel?????


if it is bad then i was in the market for a lightened flywheel anyways....changed my mind about the pvl




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i have a customers motor in my building that im replacing 1st gear and a shift fork...thats where i got the stator from...the flywheel on the motor is real rusty but the tabs on it are shiny......ill try it cant hurt anything



the only way i can tell if it fixes it without going to the track is to see if the bike runs at .028 gap on the plugs i guess..since it has to be on a load....


kinda hope thats what wrong though..tired of chasing the problem already



does anyone have a lightened flywheel for sale or trade??????






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